My Story
I remember 15 years ago, sitting on a fence, praying that the money I had saved for the previous 3 months ($99) wasn't going to be wasted joining Scentsy. See, I wasn't just on the fence, I was SCARED. I wasn't a sales person at all, I didn't want to have people turn me down, I didn't want to lose friends over some crazy direct sales thing. And to be honest. We couldn't even afford to have a warmer in our home. I was about to join a company that I had NEVER personally used in my home. All because I kept looking at the compensation plan and saw something I could possible work with for my family. I kept telling myself if I do this right I will be able to put presents under our tree come December.
But what I needed almost over powered what I didn't want. I had left Chilis after almost 10 amazing years. I was heartbroken, felt honestly lost. I had always worked hard outside our home, but someone else decided my time was over. All I wanted was to provide again inside our home financially. But working outside the home and paying for childcare seemed almost impossible for us to even afford.
I knew we needed my income. With two small kids at home, without my income, we were hurting. So I saved. I spent months coming up with a game plan and how I was going to take on the world of direct sales. Mind you I had never even done something like this, I was clueless if it would even work.
I've hit every damn rock along the way. Some of them have slowed me down, some changed me, some have taught me very valuable lessons. But the biggest one, somehow I found me. I'm not drinking some crazy juice, I can't promise anyone something amazing will happen to them. But I've realized that something I valued so much with Chilis, something I thought was lost forever, was always a part of me. Those who were a part of my Chilis journey knew how much I love to coach, guide, and lead others. My passion for the training department opened so many doors for me. And it's taken me many years to realize that is exactly what Scentsy gave back to me, only this time I actually run the shots.
Today, I'm stronger than I ever believed I could be. Today, I know that I deserve some amazing things. I have gifts from that journey that's given me the confidence to do amazing things in my Scentsy journey. I get to guide an amazing team of 107 people. YES..... 90 trust and hopefully all believe in me!
So if you have made it this far. If you are reading this and say "she's different.... I could never do what she does". You my friend are so wrong. I'm not a good sales person. I'm not at all. But what I do have is people skills. I'm kind, caring, compassionate, and I believe that this crazy wax thing can change more than just my life. I know what it's like to be a working mom and never see my kids. I know what it's like to be a stay at home mom wishing to be more than "just a mom". I know what it's like to feel lost in this world. And I want to help you. So, message me. What do you have to lose? Or better yet? What do you have to gain??